Anonymous said...
Dear Father,

Good evening Father, thank you so mutch to
your very nice answer. Father iba nanang tanong,Ano ba tong FLORES DE
MAYO is thise an offecial doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church?And is
this found on the bible?
Thank you and God bless us all...
February 9, 2010 8:46 PM
Fr. Abe, CRS said...
Welcome Brother.
About the Flores de Mayo. It is not an official doctrine but a pious practice which is of course Biblical.
Flores de Mayo is Spanish. The
English is Flowers of May. But it is basically the Catholic devotion of
offering the beautiful flowers of the Spring time [April-May] to remind
us of the love story between Christ and His Church and of the Holy Women
whose lives were like a fragrant flowers offered to God. The Biblical
imagery of flowers in Spring time is very beautiful and is the source of
many deep Christian Spirituality and Mysticism as these passages from
Song 1:14 "My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna–flowers in the vineyards of En–gedi."
Song 2:12 "The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;"
The Book of Songs or Canticle of Canticles of Solomon speaks of a love
story between God and the human soul. Here God is presented as a Male
Lover, a handsome King and a Bridegroom while the human soul is
presented as a Virgin, Pure and Beautiful Maiden.
Even though for Catholic theology that maiden refers to the
Church and to every soul thirsting for God we cannot deny that the first
lover of Christ among the Christian believers is the Blessed Virgin
Mary. She is the Virgin model of Christian purity of heart whose body
and soul have been offered to God. That is why as the Song of Songs
speaks of a Beloved Girl the Gospel of Luke speaks of Mary as "lubos na pinakamamahal ng Dios" [Lucas 1:28 Ang Biblia]. The literal English translation of which is "The Most Beloved of God". In other Bible translations it is rendered "full of grace" [Douay-Rheims Version] or "highly favored" [King James Version].
Mary loved Jesus
more than her life because allowing herself to become pregrant not
caused by her husband is punishable by death. She loved Jesus more than
Joseph because she was ready to be rejected by Joseph for the sake of
the Messiah. She loved the Lord more than family because she was ready
to be forsaken or abandon by her family if ever she will be found
pregnant prior to the wedding. Thus, Mary has the right to the claim of
being the First Virgin beloved of God and loved Him in return. Thus, she
has the right to exclaim:
Songs 2:1 "I am a Rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys."
Mary lived in Nazareth a place famous for flowers such as lilies and
roses being near the lake and also near the valleys. Thus the prophecy:
Isaiah 35:1 "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the ROSE."
has been fulfilled in Israel at the coming of the Messiah, in the Church
because of the graces given by the Messiah and of course in Mary
because she is the Rose [the Virgin] in whom the Messiah burst forth
like a shoot. Thus she is also filled with the 'Fullness of Grace'.
Thus, the spring flowers remind us of Mary and she in turn reminds us of our love of God. Thus, every May we gath
flowers, then go to the Church or Chapel, and offer these flowers
before the Altar of God and the venerated image of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. Many parishes are even organizing beautiful cantatas, fluvial
processions and Santa Cruzan [in the Philippines] to highlight this
pious and beautiful devotion. But the most popular practice celebrating
this is the recitation of the Holy Rosaries either at homes or at

The practice gain widespread popularity due to St. Philip Neri who propagated this devotion and many Popes did the same.
March 16, 2010 3:47 PM