The Pope is NOT the Antichrist - Summary of 'Is 666 the Pope?'
source: click here
"I can't believe this accusation has persisted despite history proving it false! It's kind of like the claims that Elvis is still alive or that the moon landings were all a hoax or that the Holocaust was a myth. They are false, yet the rumors won't quit! It's infuriating! If you can help spread the truth about the Pope not being the Antichrist, please do. Whatever your personal opinions are of the Catholic Church, they should not be falsely accused in this way. -Genny, Born Again"
writing this as a summary of my series, "Is 666 the Pope?" But if you
haven't read the series yet, this article would make a great preview for
Part 1 of this series examined the sources theWorld Mission Society Church of God uses to support their claim against the Papacy. I saw that they continue to have problems (like they did with their claims about the cross):
- misrepresenting information by taking it out of context
- presenting (or inventing?) 'facts' that are not in the referenced resource
- not being specific enough with their source so it can be verified
- selecting some information but neglecting to mention other important information from the same source
Part 2 established
my focus, since the WMSCOG claims the Pope is the Antichrist whose
number is 666. Rather than looking at the general definition of an
antichrist, I narrowed in on the Antichrist from Revelation 13, the
beast from the sea whose number is 666. In other words, the question
became, "Is the Pope (Papacy) this Antichrist?" rather than "Is the Pope an antichrist?"
Then I examined the Scriptures and history to see how they matched up with the claims of the Pope-is-Antichrist teaching.
Scripture and the historical record give plenty of evidence to show
that the Pope-is-Antichrist teaching is false, especially when combined
with the particular doctrine of the World Mission Society Church of God.
Here is a summary of those claims compared to reality, and in relation to Revelation 13:
Rev. 13:1-2 The beast has 7 heads with 10 horns and 10 crowns.
similar to Dan. 7:7-8, 20, 24 The beast had 10 horns, and another little horn came up among them and plucked out 3 of the first horns.
When the Roman Kingdom fell, it split into 10 kingdoms. Three of those
kingdoms did not follow the doctrine of the Catholic Church and were
subdued (or destroyed) because of that. The last of them (Ostrogoths)
was destroyed in A.D. 538.
When the Roman Kingdom fell, many kingdoms arose from it, but not the
same kingdoms (or the same number) as claimed. The Ostrogoths were
still strongly defending themselves after 538 and were not defeated
until 553. By then, of the claimed 10 kingdoms, 5 kingdoms (not 3) had
been subdued, and 1 of the kingdoms still had not entered Roman
territory. Also, adherence to Catholic doctrine was not a factor in
whether or not a kingdom was conquered.
Read Part 3 for detailed information.
Rev. 13:3-4 The beast suffered a fatal wound that was healed.
The papacy suffered a "deadly wound" in 1798 when the Pope was captured
by Napoleon's general. The wound has been healing since then.
There are many occasions in the history of the Catholic Church that
could be considered "deadly wounds" that have healed. The verse implies
only one fatal wound, not a series of struggles. There is no reason to
pick the particular wound of 1798 over any other.
Read Part 4 for detailed information.
Rev. 13:5 The beast was given authority to rule for 42 months
This 42 months is 1260 days, which prophetically mean 1260 years. The
rule of the Catholic Church (papacy) began in 538 and continued until
the "deadly wound" in 1798--exactly 1260 years as prophesied.
There are several years that could be considered the beginning of the
rule of the Catholic Church, but 538 is not one of them. Significant
historical markers of the Catholic Church do not fit into a prophecy of
1260 years. Also, events that were supposed to be happening during
these 1260 years would contradict other World Mission Society Church of
God doctrine.
![]() |
Iglesia ni Cristo's claim written in Pasugo |
The Pope is made equal with God, and Catholic priests are said to
forgive sin. Both of those are examples of blasphemy. The Catholic
Church has changed the sacred calendar (substituting Sunday for Saturday
Sabbath, Easter for Passover, instituting Christmas) and has tried to
change God's law (omitting and changing some of the 10 Commandments).
Official Catholic doctrine does not support the charge of blasphemy.
Calendar issues are dealt with in other posts on this blog. The 10
Commandments are actually composed of 14 command statements. The
Catholic Church still holds to all 10 Commandments, but they have
combined them differently.
Read Part 7 for detailed information.
Rev. 13:18 The number of the beast is 666.
The Pope's mitre is inscribed with the title "Vicarius Filii Dei."
When you add up the values of the Roman numerals in this title, the
total equals 666.

Read Part 8 for detailed information.
The 1260 years in the prophecy more likely refers to a future, literal 3
1/2 year time period. Could a Pope of the Catholic Church fulfill the
prophecies of the beast in the future? Possibly, but so could many
other world leaders. We can only speculate when thinking about the
future. The theory of the Catholic Church already fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist fails.
A Personal Note
tell you the truth, when I started researching for this series I didn't
know what I would find. I am not Catholic. I wasn't very motivated to
clear the Pope (and Roman Catholic Church) from these accusations of
being the Antichrist, the beast whose number is 666. I had heard the
claim before, had even read the specific reasons, and thought it was a
bit intriguing, but that's as far as I got. I didn't think it really
mattered to me.
main reason I decided to research the claims was because some of you
readers wrote and asked me (thank you for that!). Now that I've done
the research, I'm glad I did--not just because of the facts I've found,
but also because I've learned something very important:
you are confronted with a sensational claim such as this, don't just
accept someone else's "research" about it--do your own!
I can't believe this
accusation has persisted despite history proving it false! It's kind
of like the claims that Elvis is still alive or that the moon landings
were all a hoax or that the Holocaust was a myth. They are false, yet
the rumors won't quit! It's infuriating! If you can help spread the
truth about the Pope not being the Antichrist, please do. Whatever your
personal opinions are of the Catholic Church, they should not be
falsely accused in this way.
Source: A non-Catholic admits 666 [Anti-Christ] is not the Pope
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